Have you ever thought about what your “big ask” of God is? I mean the dream that lives in the
deepest part of you. The dream that when you think about it, it scares the living crap out of
you. The dream that when you think about it you get butterflies of excitement and waves of
nausea all at the same time. The one that never in a million years did you think it would come
In my career I have had the opportunity to go through a lot of trainings and classes that teach
us to look and think bigger, so much bigger than you dreamed to imagine. Classes that take
your “big dream” and teach you to 10x that dream and dream bigger. So you can only imagine some of the things that the attendees think about.
Some want to start non-profits and charities. Some want to build programs and institutions.
Some simply want to make as much money as possible and leave a financial inheritance for
generations to come. Everyones big dream is different because everyones big WHY is different.
People take it to different levels each time we practice this. Some are gungho and start making
leaps of progress right away while others look at it as a “fun activity.” They stop the progress of
the dream before it even starts. Whether it is out of fear or limiting beliefs or time constraints or even just simply it is not the season in their lives.
But what happens when the “big ask” becomes a possibility?
What happens when/if God opens a door?
Are we ready for that?
Are we willing to work past the fears and failures to give God the option of using us in a way
that creates an opportunity for our big asks to become a reality?
I had the ability to test this part of my character and my faith recently. Will I choose to believe
the vision and plans for my family that the Lord has shown us for years and years?
A couple of months ago my family and I had been presented with an opportunity for God to
work through our business and to be honest, my mind did not automatically go to ‘Lord, how
would you like to use this opportunity to grow Your Kingdom, but instead went straight to the
simplest plan. The plan and the to-do that would get to the end goal in the simplest quickest
way. The known way.
If I’m honest my thoughts could not have been farther from recognizing the potential for this
open door and path to the dreams that God has placed inside myself and others.
I was having a conversation with my business partner, who is also my mother, about our next
steps with this opportunity and it might correlate with our big dreams and she shared what she believed that the Lord was calling us to do. She said 'I have missed so many open doors from the Lord, because I did not think creatively enough to walk through them.’
Ugh. That simple statement hit me straight between the eyes. She asked if we could
‘Mastermind this for a minute’ and honestly, I obliged, but was still very skeptical. I agreed this
could be a great opportunity, but…
But…we not educated enough.
As I went home, despite my effort, my heart and mind just couldn’t leave it alone. I am
embarrassed to say that no, I did not go home and pray about it. Instead, I just tried to busy
myself physically while my mind came up with a million excuses why this wouldn’t work and
reasons why I should not get my hopes up.
Bam- God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.
It’s so easy for us to say that we trust God with our finances, with our marriage, with our
families. With things that are tangible, known, recognized.
But He wants us to trust Him with so much more. He wants us to be willing to trust Him with
our dreams and our big asks and our whys. He told us to GO! To be Jesus to those around us
big and small. When we trust Him when we have little, He will bless us with much.
So we jumped. Eekkk!
Thank you Lord that you have given us the ability to say, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.”
Does it mean that the fear is gone? No.
Does it mean that we have all of the answers? No.
Has the Lord laid out the 1,2,3s and the ABCs? All the details? No.
But we are choosing to trust the Lord, because we know that He is faithful!
What dreams and visions has God placed inside of you? What plans does the Lord have for
you? (Jeremiah 29:11) What things has the Lord birthed in you big and small? No dream that
the Lord has given is better than the other and some are simply for seasons while others are
Are our eyes open to see when the Lord has opened a door or are we so busy with the
checklist we have created in our head and in our lives that we miss it?
Are we willing to take that first step of walking through the open door?
Are we willing to get out of our way and get into God’s Way? The plans and timing and
connection that He is placing in front of us. Believing that if the Lord has called us, He will
equip us.
Lord, I believe that You have a plan and desire for each and everyone of these beauties. You
Lord, have placed a purposeful dream and desire in each and everyone. Lord, I ask that You
help us to become aware of the doors that You are opening. I thank You that we were created
in the image of THE CREATOR. You have given us an imagination and the ability to think
critically and creatively! Help us to develop and pursue Your Way in our lives in whatever
capacity you are calling us into.
Help us to trust You more.
Love ya,

P.S. Thank you for your prayers over our personal big asks and open doors!