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The Chosen

Writer's picture: Tanya GlanzmanTanya Glanzman

The world has identified a condition coined as Imposter Syndrome.  It’s basically when an individual struggles to believe that they are deserving of the role they fill or the way they are viewed by others.  Despite education, achievements, experience or skills, those that struggle with this condition cannot internalize their identity to the degree that they ever settle into it.  There resides within them a fear or paranoia  that they will eventually be found by others to be unworthy of the role, title or position that they currently hold.  

The “answer,” it seems according to psychology experts, is that these individuals learn to stop being a perfectionist and begin to focus on their concrete expertise and accomplishments.  

As I contemplated writing on Identity this week, this syndrome came to mind. I thought gracious, who hasn’t, at some point, struggled with Imposter Syndrome as a child of God?  Which of us hasn’t looked at the evidence of our choices, our thought life, our fruit if you will, and felt that we were not worthy of the calling to which we have been called.  

Our answer is different from that which Psychology today offers, thank goodness.  We don’t settle into our identity as a Daughter of the King by focusing more upon ourachievements, or our greatness.  The evidence would always be against us. We would always fall short.  There is nothing we could ever DO that would deem us worthy to be chosen as His. 

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.  

You see, beautiful Daughter, you were CHOSEN. 

It brings my remembrance to a Facebook post I viewed recently about a little girl that was taken into an animal shelter.  The parents were allowing her to choose the four legged creature that would become the next and newest member of their family.  The little girl, perhaps 3 or 4 years old, walked by the cages of the potential adoptees.  She was drawn to and stood face to face with a puppy that was well-beyond its puppy years.  She was stinky, cowering and missing clumps of fur due to lack of care.  The little girl looked through the bars of the cage and just kept saying “Mommy, puppy needs help.”  When they took the dog outside to the “getting to know you” area, initially, it shrunk back.  Not used to being loved on or played with, it took some time for her to understand that she was with a safe person who had chosen her.  Despite her age, her stinkiness or her frail appearance, this one was the one that had been chosen.  

The post fast-forwarded later in time.  Admittedly, tears sprang forth as I viewed the current life and position of this chosen one. It was clear that the once unloved was now loved deeply.  She was cherished and treasured and cared for.  Not because of anything she had done.  It was in her most humble and vulnerable state that she had been chosen.  In this case, her role and position had been determined solely by the one who chose.  

Isn’t it funny how God will speak to your heart in the most unconventional ways?   

And so are we daughters of God.  In our most humble and vulnerable state, we were chosen by The Chooser.  

1 John 4:19 (NKJV)

We love Him because He first loved us.  

And now, our identity has been firmly established not because of how great we are, what we have done or do or how perfect we can be, but only because of the kindness, grace and mercy of The One who chose to call us His own.  In our stinkiest and most unlovely state He chose you, He chose me and He decided that He would love us as His very own.  

Ultimately, our identity in Christ is not and has never been about us at all.  

And so, cherished one, the next time the enemy of your soul works to get your eyes focused on all of the reasons you are not worthy to be a Child of God, you can delight in agreeing with him.  You, and I, are not worthy outside of Christ.  We could never do or be enough to deserve the love He has lavished upon us.  

When we struggle with Imposter Syndrome as a Daughter of the King, here’s our answer from the truth of God’s Word.

John 1:12 (ESV) 

But to all that did receive Him, who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God.  

Jesus.  He is our answer.  The only answer that we can ever give regarding why we are not imposters in our identity as a Daughter of the King.  It’s not based on us.  It’s based on Him.  Always has been, always will be.  

Pray with me….

Father, thank you for being my chooser.  Thank you for allowing me to be your daughter.  Thank you that there is nothing I could ever do or that could be done to me that can change this.  Thank you that no matter what anyone else thinks or feels about me, my identity as your daughter, your chosen treasure, your precious one, has been determined and is not able to be changed. For this, I am grateful.  When I am tempted Father to focus on those things which cause me to feel unworthy, I ask that you re-focus them upon Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.  




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