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Writer's picture: Alexandria BrownAlexandria Brown

“... All authority of the universe has been given to me. Now wherever you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age.

-Matthew 28:18-20

We are meant to walk with authority, purity, presence and power. We are meant to be literal world changers. Some of us were made with the ability to create and develop Nobel Peace awards sure, and that does not forfeit the mandate that each and every Christ follower have been given. Being a world changer doesn’t always mean a grand stage and flashing lights. Sometimes, most times, being a world changer means effecting the people around you, us. It means changing the world for our neighbors. It means being the Light to our families and our friends and our co-workers.

In Mark, this very same passage lists ways we will be the Light in the darkness. Healing and speaking new languages, casting out darkness and demons. When we are walking in Jesus’ presence we are able to flow in these things, these signs of Jesus’ Light and love. They are not dead works. Jesus did not put an expiration date on them when He spoke this. I believe that God still is and wants to move this way in and through His body, but could it be that sometimes we are sleeping on the job...

There are many times through out the gospels that we find Jesus saying the phrase, “you of little faith...”

He said it when Peter was walking on the water and started to sink. (Matt 8)

He said it when the disciples woke Him from His nap to calm the wind and the waves. (Matt 14)

When He is talking of the Father’s provision. (Matt 6)

When Jesus cast out what the disciples on their own could not. (Matt 17)

I always read those scriptures and thought of them as “Do Better” scriptures. As I was not enough. I needed to check off a list of things and put more work in.

Believe harder. Build stronger. Be better.

All of which make it about me and my achievement.

What if there is a higher understanding? What if Jesus was not criticizing the disciples at all? What if instead it was a loving brother whose heart was saying if only you knew the power and authority available to you. If you only knew the access you held. If only you were to take your position and stand.

Oh the wonders that would be done through you by the power of God.

What if it wasn’t criticism at all? What if it was meant as an invitation from the One who knows the beginning from the end. The One who wrote the end of the story. The One who says more of Me means less of you. The One who calls for our surrender more than our works.

What would happen to our families and our neighborhoods and our communities if we begin to take our positioning next to the King of kings and Lord of lords?

I don’t know about you but I want to find out!

Lord help me to realign myself with Your presence,

with Your purity,

with Your authority and

with Your power.

I want your signs to accompany me because I believe like it says in Mark. I want to be a world changer. I want to change my world.

Start with me Lord.

Start with US!

Love you!



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